Welcome to the Web Site of the Environmental Impact Statement for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Project
Welcome to the online home of public information and involvement for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Transmission Line EIS.The United States Department of Energy (DOE) prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS) to evaluate potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) transmission line between the U.S. and Canada. The purpose of this web site is to provide up-to-date EIS-related information to the public and other interested parties.
DOE has determined an EIS to be the proper National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA) compliance document. The EIS only addressed potential impacts in the United States; NEPA does not require an analysis of environmental impacts that occur within Canada. The EIS, however, evaluated all relevant environmental impacts within the U.S. related to or caused by project-related activities in Canada.
Latest News
April 23, 2021: DOE prepared a Supplement Analysis for the CHPE project, which can be viewed here.January 15, 2021: CHPE filed a Supplement to amend the Presidential Permit with DOE, which can be viewed here.
December 4, 2020: DOE consultation letters to the NY SHPO, NOAA and USFWS as part of their review of route modifications are now available in the Document Library.
October 2, 2020: Transmission Developers Inc. Route Modification Amendment with Department of Energy is now available in the Document Library.
July 21, 2020: The Presidential Permit issued to the CHPE is now available in the Document Library.
October 6, 2014: The Presidential permit issued for the CHPE Project is now available in the Document Library.
September 25, 2014: The Record of Decision (ROD) is now available in the Document Library.
September 22, 2014: Input received during the Final EIS 30-day period can be found here.
August 15, 2014: The U.S. EPA has published the CHPE Final EIS Notice of Availability (NOA) in the Federal Register. The NOA is available in the Document Library and states that the Final EIS 30-day period ends on September 15, 2014.
August 8, 2014: The Final EIS is available for review until September 15, 2014. An electronic copy of the Final EIS can be found here.
August 6, 2014: The New York Independent System Operator (NYISO) Reliability Study and the CHPE Project Deliverability Analysis are available in the document library.
July 21, 2014: The Biological Assessment and Essential Fish Habitat Assessment are available in the document library.
July 14, 2014: The Department of Defense Concurrence with the issuance of a Presidential Permit, Conceptual Wetland Mitigation Plan, and Historic Properties Programmatic Agreement between DOE and the New York State Historic Preservation Officer are available in the document library.
January 31, 2014: Comments received during the public comment period on the Champlain Hudson Power Express Draft EIS can be viewed here.
December 11, 2013: DOE has extended the public comment period on the Champlain Hudson Power Express Draft EIS for 30 days until January 15, 2014. The notice can be viewed here.
November 1, 2013: A notice of availability for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Draft EIS was published in the Federal Register. The notice can be accessed here.
October 21, 2013: DOE is releasing a Notice of Availability announcing that the Draft EIS is available for public review and comment. The public comment period will be open from November 1, 2013 to December 16, 2013. An electronic copy of the Draft EIS can be found here. Comments can be submitted via this website by clicking here.
August 26, 2013: Responses to Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) regarding the CHPE EIS process are now available.
August 26, 2013: The Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit Application Alternatives Analysis Report is now posted in the Document Library.
April 18, 2013: NYSPSC approved TDI’s application for a Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need for the siting of the proposed CHPE Transmission Line Project under Article VII of the New York State Public Service Law. Additional information can be found in the NYSPSC press release here and in the Order Granting the Certificate of Environmental Compatibility and Public Need here.
September 18, 2012: The Champlain Hudson Power Express Scoping Summary Report Addendum may be found in the Document Library.
April 30, 2012: The DOE invited interested agencies, organizations, Native American tribes, and members of the public to submit comments to assist in identifying significant environmental issues and in determining the appropriate scope of the CHPE EIS. This additional scoping period was held so that the scope of the EIS could be revised as necessary to reflect the proposed changes to the CHPE Project that were included as part of the February 28, 2012 amendment to the application for a Presidential permit. DOE accepted public comments on the revised scope of the CHPE EIS until June 14, 2012. DOE is considering comments submitted after this date to the extent practical. Comments can be submitted through this website here or by contacting the DOE directly. A complete copy of the Amended Formal Notice of Intent (NOI) to Modify the Scope of the Environmental Impact Statement, including DOE contact information, can be viewed here.
April 2, 2012: The U.S. DOE has issued an Information Notice regarding the CHPE Project. The DOE recognizes that comments provided during the NYSPSC Public Statement Hearings may be relevant to their NEPA process. As such, all comments provided during the Public Statement Hearings will be reviewed and considered by the DOE for purposes of its EIS. The public is also invited to provide comments on the EIS directly. Information on how to do so can be found in the Information Notice.
February 28, 2012: Transmission Developers, Inc. (TDI), the sponsors of the CHPE transmission line project, filed an amendment to the CHPE project Presidential permit application that was filed originally with the DOE on January 27, 1010, and subsequently amended on August 5, 2010. This request now modifies the application to reflect project changes made as a result of consultations with State of New York agencies and other stakeholders as part of the project review under Article VII of the New York Public Service Law. A copy of the February 28, 2012, permit application amendment letter can be viewed here. This link also includes the original application and other project-related documents, with emphasis on DOE’s environmental impact assessment process.
February 24, 2012: TDI submitted a filing to the NYSPSC outlining proposed modifications to the CHPE Transmission System project. The proposed revision to the project, referred to as the “Joint Proposal,” identifies route modifications made in consultation with agencies of the State of New York and other stakeholders as part of the project review under Article VII of the New York Public Service Law. A copy of the CHPE Joint Proposal can be viewed here. The complete filing with the NYSPSC, including all Attachments and Exhibits referred to within the Joint Proposal, can be viewed here or are available upon request.
July 7, 2011: DOE receives an update to Presidential Permit PP-481. This update is available in the Document Library.
June 8, 2011: The NYS Dept of State Conditional Coastal Zone Management Act Consistency Certification has been posted and may be found in the Document Library.
December 23, 2010: Champlain Hudson Power Express Scoping Report with appendices may be found in the Document Library.
November 2, 2010: New written comments received during the scoping period have been posted. These documents include comments from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and New York League of Conservation Voters (NYLCV) and may be found in the Document Library.
August 30, 2010: Transcripts of the public scoping meetings for the Champlain Hudson Power Express Environmental Impact Statement are now available in the Document Library.
August 5, 2010: DOE receives an update to Presidential Permit PP-481. This Addendum is available in the Document Library.
August 2, 2010: The public scoping period for the EIS has officially ended. All written comments received during the scoping period are now posted in the Document Library.
June 18, 2010: DOE publishes the NOI to Prepare an Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and to conduct Public Scoping Meetings; Notice of Floodplains and Wetlands Involvement in the Federal Register on June 18, 2010. The NOI is available for download here and the Public Meeting Schedule here.
June 18, 2010: Updated project maps are now available. Mapping showing the overall proposed project's preferred location as well as the initial alignment alternatives proposed by CHPEI for the Project are available for download in the Document Library.